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It’s good that you’re passionate. It’s good that you’re dedicated. It’s good that you’re serious about your work. But you shouldn’t be crying in the middle of each work week. You shouldn’t be forgetting where you placed your car keys because you’re so flustered by the million other things you need to think about every single day. You shouldn’t be deteriorating, mentally and physically, because you’ve been putting so much effort into building a future for yourself.

You’re never going to grow into the person you were destined to become if you stay locked in the same routine. Nothing is going to change if you keep making the same decisions over and over again, decisions that are keeping you stuck on a path you aren’t excited about walking. You might feel lost and helpless right now, but you’re in charge of where you’re heading. If you’re unhappy right now, you can’t keep living like this. You need to gather your strength and figure out a new plan for yourself. You need to be the one
to take action.


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